
Platform Technology: A Modern Weapon to Fight Disease

Cyber. Health analytics. Pandemic response. Digital platforms are recasting how we tackle the world’s most challenging problems.

Transforming our approach to chronic disease, COVID-19, disinformation, and threat detection, MITRE’s technical know-how and platform technologies enable new levels of collaboration across government and industry.

The COVID-19 pandemic has highlighted MITRE’s public interest mission in many areas—from data analytics to improving healthcare outcomes. To inform and help guide the best possible decisions, MITRE developed the Decision Support Dashboard with the COVID-19 Healthcare Coalition, gathering multiple data sources into one—giving government and business leaders a critical tool to inform the response to COVID-19.

retail cashier wearing a face shieldOpen source tools like Sara Alert™ help public health departments remotely monitor people in quarantine and isolation. And MITRE platforms produce solutions that reduce the burden on public health systems and protect the nation from threat.

Early identification of new cases is essential to contain a novel outbreak. Monitoring exposed individuals is labor-intensive through traditional reporting mechanisms. MITRE’s investment in Sara Alert speeds the process of reporting symptoms, allowing individuals to report daily symptoms remotely through web, text, email, and phone calls. Assessing individuals remotely with real-time insight eases the burden on stressed health systems during an outbreak.

In a pandemic, population contact tracing observations and measurements are essential. Using the Google/Apple Exposure Notification protocol, MITRE built the contact notification app COVID Aware™ and continues to work with public health authorities on these critical needs. These apps allow individuals to receive an alert and then they can voluntarily choose to seek testing and quarantine, limiting potential exposure to others.

MITRE platforms are integrated technical capabilities, domain knowledge, and expertise from across MITRE, and in partnership with academia and industry, focused on solving national-scale problems. Our Community Health Platform brings together Sara Alert, COVID Aware, and new capabilities to help frontline community health officials respond to COVID-19.




(FEBRUARY 1, 2021)

MITRE’s Community Health Platform team used digital exposure notifications to enable cell phones to distinguish between people who were too close for too long and those who maintained a safe distance.

Jim Houchens
MITRE Chief Engineer, Intelligence Programs

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