Great Power Competition
Your wireless provider. Where your medications come from. Your favorite news sources. You may not know it, but today’s Great Power Competition touches every aspect of your life. In the U.S.’s ideological, economic, and military struggle with China and Russia, the tools behind our daily routines become high-value targets.
MITRE is helping safeguard these basics and helping the U.S. secure its position as world leader. How? By mining early trend lines across sectors to connect what Americans care about with national security. Our citizen-centric metrics and situational awareness tools pinpoint indicators of imbalance—in economics, healthcare, education, defense, telecommunications, R&D, manufacturing, and other areas.
So, how do GPC threats play out in daily life?
The safety of our food, drug, and medical equipment supply chains, for one. The U.S. has become dependent on imported goods, including drugs and medical devices, largely made in China. The coronavirus pandemic has amplified the dangers of relying so heavily on one source for these necessities.
Dominating fifth generation wireless technology (5G) is another key prize. The country with the biggest 5G stake will expand its influence far and wide—for better or worse. Also in the balance: identity and personal data, election integrity, and intellectual property.
MITRE’s unique vantage point is helping government connect the dots across sectors and take early, effective action—and come out on top in today’s GPC.
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U.S. Drug Supply Safety
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THE UNITED STATES IMPORTS the most pharmaceuticals and medicines by weight from China.
We need to ensure that as we prioritize where we’re going to compete on a world stage, our work provides security to citizens across America. This is key to public security in an economic and personal well-being sense.
Beth Meinert
MITRE Vice President and Director, Center for Government Effectiveness and Modernization
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